Ceibalito S.A. has been for more than 30 years in the ceibalito sa1agricultural market. The Sanjorge Farm is located on National Route 16, km 623, Department of Anta, Province of Salta. Anually we produce, in the period of December to May, 3600 hectares of soybean, and in the same period nearly 850 hectares of maize, programed for rotation of crops during all year long and sustentability of the soils and annual suplementación; and in the period April to October we produce 3500 hectares of wheat.
We also produce white Alubia beans and black beans  and other specialities.
On the other hand we also have 2500 hectares destined for livesotck growing of complete cycle and registered cabins of Brahmin, Braford and Brangus, races for which we are concidered pioneers in the northwest of the Argentina, Because of the genetic characteristics of those races, they are animals of high value and quality.
Fondo 4The different racees count with many years of genetic selection, being the first one the Brahmin, who dates back to the first half of the decade of 70, belonging to another company of the group. Then Braford race was added in the 1990 and the most recent was Brangus in 2003. We work constantly on the genetic improvement of the race using artificial insemination and embryonic transfer to achieve the best products. The location of the field is ideal since the department of Anta has beenleader in cattle growth in last years.